Ok, so I’m going to call this a win and you can’t do anything about it. One of my list things is to plan a ladies night. To be perfectly honest, my main group of lady friends and I are kind of growing apart. It’s not like an I hate you sort of thing, but more like much of our friendships were based on going out. Between weddings, trying to have babies, and buying houses the going out thing has waned. With that being said, planning a ladies night with them can be difficult. So, I am adding two events up to equal me scratching “Plan a Ladies Night” off the list.
The first event is occurring today. I have planned an afternoon happy hour for me and one of my co-workers. She and I are conducting an interview together and I said that we should calibrate at the bar (Kidding other HR people! Kidding!). I think we’re going to do something classy like go to a couple of wine bars and maybe eat some fire roasted pizza or whatever it’s called. I did research to find good places to go in the city, and to find places we’ve never been before. My work friend is a tryer of new things kind of person. I am too but she’s a tad bit more adventurous (and single so it makes it easier without this ball-and-chain I call my husband. I kid! I kid! Sheesh, so sensitive). Anyway, I had numerous possibilities that I narrowed down and consulted with her to confirm. The first place that we are going is more uncool because it’s a chain, and is of course the place I picked. The second is a place she suggested and is conveniently 3 minutes away from the first place (or a 30 minute walk, we looked it up because we thought we would be cool and hippy-like and help save the planet without 3 minutes of exhaust but it turns out that we’re lazier than we care about the planet).
This part I consider the bulk of the completion of this line item. I planned it, with a girl, and it’s in the evening which equals night to me. However, if I’m being completely honest, my original intention was for this to be one of those crazy party nights. However, my age is causing my liver to shut down much faster than it used to so crazy party nights are few and far between. BUT! Lucky for me my friend’s bachelorette party is tomorrow night. It is going to be crazy… at least I think it is (but not really sure how I feel about that. Oy vey). I think it will mostly be my friends and we will have fun and that really equals a girls night. So again, I think that my planning of today + the ladies night tomorrow = success. Scratch!
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